The ultimate manhole covers site
Sewage covers and others should be safe to use, and be able to withstand high loads, as pedestrians, cars, trucks and sometimes heavier means of transportation will often pass.

Standards institutes around the world have established appropriate standards for compliance with these loads and for the safety of covers. The following list shows the Standard-mark/Standard/maximum-load that appear on the site's covers.

1 БДС - BDS - Bulgarian Institute for Standardization (Standard mark)
Bulgarian Standards Organization

There are 1 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
2 ÖNORM (Standard mark)
ÖNORM - a standard produced by the Austrian Standards Institutedefined

There are 49 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
3 ÜA-Marking - Austria (Standard mark)
Quality Mark of OIB - Austrian Institute of Structural Engineering

There are 62 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
4 ČSN - Czech Republic (Standard mark)
ČSN is the Czech standard

There are 15 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
5 A15 - Light load - pedestrians and cyclists (Load Standard)
Covers in areas used by pedestrians and bicyclists only

There are 131 manhole covers in the site that has this maximum load mark
6 A50 - Light load - pedestrians and cyclists (Load Standard)
Covers in areas used by pedestrians and bicyclists only

There are 106 manhole covers in the site that has this maximum load mark
7 AENOR product certificate (Standard mark)
Standard mark for Products of the Spanish Association for Standardization (AENOR)

There are 53 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
8 ANSI (77) TIER 15 (Load Standard)
A standard of the American National Standards Institute, suitable for Driveway, parking lot sidewalks and access roads

There are 8 manhole covers in the site that has this maximum load mark
9 ANSI (77) TIER 22 (Load Standard)
A standard of the American National Standards Institute, suitable for Driveway, parking lot sidewalks and access roads

There are 5 manhole covers in the site that has this maximum load mark
10 ANSI (77) TIER 8 (Load Standard)
A standard of the American National Standards Institute, suitable for parking lot sidewalks

There are 3 manhole covers in the site that has this maximum load mark
11 AS3396 (Standard)
A standard of the Australian Standards Institute dealing with sewerage manhole covers.

There are 2 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
12 ASTM International (Standard mark)
An international institute based in USA that publishes technical standards

There are 1 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
13 ASTM-A536 (Standard)
ASTM standard describing specifications for Ductile Iron Castings.

There are 1 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
14 B125 - Light to moderate load - sidewalks or cars parking (Load Standard)
For areas used by pedestrians (sidewalks) or car parking

There are 2258 manhole covers in the site that has this maximum load mark
15 B5110 - Austria (Standard)
Standard of the Austrian Standards Institute (ASI) for the manhole covers

There are 51 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
16 Bauart (Standard)
A standard mark confirming that the product is high quality and safe

There are 3 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
17 BENOR (Standard mark)
A voluntary Belgian standard body

There are 2 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
18 BS497 - UK (Standard)
British Standard for manhole covers for drainage purposes

There are 82 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
19 BS5834 - UK (Standard)
British Standard for surface boxes, guards and underground chambers

There are 25 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
20 BVQI - BVC (Standard mark)
An international organization that issues regulatory codes originates in Belgium and is now headquartered in France

There are 18 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
21 C250 - Moderate load - road-curb (Load Standard)
For road-curb covers

There are 644 manhole covers in the site that has this maximum load mark
22 CCIC (Standard mark)
Chinese organization for testing and determining quality

There are 2 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
23 CE marking (Standard mark)
Certification mark for products belonging to the European Economic Area

There are 28 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
24 certif - Portugal (Standard mark)
A Product certification of the standards association - Portugal

There are 27 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
25 Construction Mark B (Standard mark)
Polish national quality mark for products in the field of construction

There are 86 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
26 COPRO (Standard mark)
An organization originating in Belgium whose purpose is to ensure quality in the field of construction and transportation

There are 16 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
27 D400 - Heavy load - roads and sidewalks (Load Standard)
Covers used for roads and sidewalks, suitable for all types of vehicles

There are 2166 manhole covers in the site that has this maximum load mark
28 DIN (Standard mark)
German Institute for Standardization

There are 28 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
29 DIN 1229 (Standard)
A German standard for manhole with frame for vehicular and pedestrian areas

There are 29 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
30 DIN 19583 (Standard)
A special German standard for square covers (sewage and the like) on roads

There are 1 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
31 DIN 19584 (Standard)
Manhole tops, class D 400

There are 27 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
32 DIN 4271 (Standard)
A German standard for manhole tops with vents, class B125

There are 2 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
33 DIN 4291 (Standard)
A German standard for heavy load covers, and a concrete center

There are 2 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
34 DIN 4292 (Standard)
A German standard for heavy load covers, and a concrete center

There are 1 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
35 DNV-GL (Standard mark)
Experts in risk management and insurance, which also provides quality labels for products.

There are 3 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
36 DSTU (Standard mark)
State Standards of Ukraine.

There are 2 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
37 E600 - Very heavy load - ports and airports (Load Standard)
Covers used in places where heavy weight tools such as ports and airports are passed

There are 110 manhole covers in the site that has this maximum load mark
38 ELOT - Greece (Standard mark)
ELOT - The Hellenic Standardization Organization

There are 20 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
39 EN1083 (Standard)
The European standard for drainage channels for Power-driven brushes

There are 3 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
40 EN124 (Standard)
The European standard for covers used in places where pedestrians and transport

There are 4668 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
41 EN1433 (Standard)
The European standard for drainage channels for vehicular and pedestrian areas

There are 56 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
42 F900 - Extreme heavy load - airports (Load Standard)
Covers used in places where extreme heavy weight tools such as airports are passed

There are 54 manhole covers in the site that has this maximum load mark
43 GOST 3634 (Standard)
A standard from the days of the Soviet Union, dealing with caps made of iron

There are 43 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
44 GOST 8591 (Standard)
A standard from the time of the Soviet Union dealing with openings for telephone systems

There are 1 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
45 Grade C75 (Standard)
A standard that expresses the quality of the metal

There are 1 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
46 Group standard certification (Standard)
A system that provides standards divided by groups of industries

There are 7 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
47 ICIM (Standard mark)
An Italian non-profit standardization institute that operates in the following fields: mechanics, gas, and metal products

There are 70 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
48 ICMQ (Standard mark)
An Italian standards institute that specializes in providing standards for materials and construction

There are 28 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
49 IGQ (Standard mark)
An Italian non-profit standard organization founded in 1985 and recognized by the Ministry of Economic Development in Italy

There are 52 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
50 IO-CERT - Poland (Standard mark)
Standard certificate by a Polish institute in the field of foundry and metals

There are 105 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
51 IQNet (Standard mark)
The International Certification Network

There are 3 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
52 IS 1726 (Standard)
Indian Standard for Manhole Covers and Frames.

There are 4 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
53 IS 489 (Standard)
Standard of the Israeli Standards Institution for drain openings

There are 2076 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
54 IS261 (Standard)
Standard of the Irish Standards Institute for Caps Made of Cast Iron

There are 2 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
55 ISI - India (Standard mark)
Standard mark for Industrial Products in India

There are 3 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
56 ISO 1083 (Standard)
Standard of the International Organization for Standardization that defines the quality of the metal of cast metal elements

There are 13 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
57 ISO 2531 (Standard)
Standard of ISO that defines the requirements and test methods applicable to ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints

There are 1 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
58 ISO 9001 (Standard)
Standard of ISO that defines the quality of the product in the

There are 3 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
59 ISO 9002 (Standard)
An obsolete standard of ISO that defines the quality of the product in the production, installation and service stages.

There are 2 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
60 Istituto Giordano - Italy (Standard mark)
An Italian institute that provides quality marks

There are 1 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
61 ITB Poland (Standard mark)
Polish Institute for Research Technologies in the Construction Industry

There are 9 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
62 K13347 - The Netherlands (Standard)
Dutch standard for caps for wells and drainage

There are 9 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
63 K13739 - The Netherlands (Standard)
Dutch standard for caps for wells and drainage

There are 5 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
64 K22741 - The Netherlands (Standard)
Dutch standard for covers for wells and gullies

There are 1 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
65 K7690 - The Netherlands (Standard)
Dutch standard for covers for wells and gullies

There are 2 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
66 Kitemark (Standard mark)
Certification mark for quality of the British Standards Institute used mainly for products whose safety is as important

There are 507 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
67 KIWA (Standard)
KIWA is an international Dutch standard mark

There are 24 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
68 K-mark (Standard mark)
A Norwegian institute that provides certification in the field of construction infrastructure and the quality of the materials used.

There are 2 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
69 KOMO - The Netherlands (Standard mark)
Dutch standardization organization in the construction and infrastructure sector

There are 19 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
70 Korea Industrial Standards (KS) (Standard)
South Korean standard for manufacturing process integrity

There are 10 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
71 LRQA - Lloyd’s register quality assurance (Standard mark)
Lloyd’s register quality assurance

There are 7 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
72 MFPA (Standard mark)
A German institute that provides quality marks for materials related to the construction industry

There are 2 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
73 MPA - Germany (Standard mark)
MPA - Quality Mark of the Institute for Testing Metals in Bremen Germany

There are 60 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
74 MPA DA (Standard mark)
Darmstadt Metal Research Center

There are 1 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
75 MSZ - Hungary (Standard mark)
MSZ is the Hungarian Standards Institute

There are 8 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
76 MSZ 9771-4 - Hungary (Standard)
Hungarian standard for fire hydrants

There are 2 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
77 NBN - the Bureau for Standardisation (Standard mark)
Belgian Standards Institute

There are 1 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
78 NF (Standard)
NF is a French standard that originally states that the product meets the safety, quality, useability and performance requirements.

There are 260 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
79 NS - Norway (Standard mark)
Standard mark of the Norwegian Standards Institute

There are 36 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
80 NSAI - Irish Standards Institute (Standard mark)
National Standards Authority of Ireland

There are 1 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
81 NTE INEN 2481 (Standard)
Standard for gray iron castings of the Standardization Institute of Ecuador

There are 1 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
82 NTE INEN 2496 - Ecuador (Standard)
Standard for covers for use in wells, sewer grates of the Ecuadorian Institute of Standardization

There are 5 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
83 NTE INEN 2499 - Ecuador (Standard)
Standard for cast iron of the Ecuadorian Institute of Standardization

There are 6 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
84 RAL-GZ 692 (Standard)
Quality mark of the RAL group for installing manhole covers

There are 18 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
85 SGS (Standard mark)
An international standardization institution based in Switzerland

There are 94 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
86 SITAC (Standard mark)
Swedish Institute for Technical Approval in Construction

There are 1 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
87 SS30 - Singapore (Standard)
Specifies requirements for manhole tops and surface-box tops (Singapore)

There are 2 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
88 STN (Standard)
Slovak Technical Standard

There are 1 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
89 TÜV Rheinland (Standard mark)
A German testing and standards institution that deals with safety, efficiency, and quality.

There are 5 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
90 TÜV SÜD (Standard mark)
A German institute that provides testing and control services worldwide

There are 11 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
91 TGL 22741/03 (Standard)
An East German-era standard for cast iron lids

There are 3 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
92 The Standard mark of the Standards Institute of Israel (Standard mark)
The Standard mark of the Standards Institute of Israel

There are 3578 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
93 TS 1478 (Standard)
A Turkish standard for manhole with frame for vehicular and pedestrian areas

There are 21 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
94 TSE - Turkey (Standard mark)
TSE - Turkish Standards Institution

There are 19 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
95 TSU (Standard mark)
Slovakian institute that certifies the manufacturing process of products

There are 1 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
96 TZÚS (Standard mark)
Czech institute for testing products for construction infrastructure

There are 14 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
97 UKAS - UK (Standard mark)
UKAS - United Kingdom Accreditation Service

There are 1 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
98 UNE - Spain (Standard mark)
Standard of The Spanish Association for Standardization

There are 53 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
99 UNE 41300 (Standard)
Gully tops and manhole tops for vehicular and pedestrian areas - Spain

There are 1 manhole covers in the site that has this standard
100 UNI (Standard mark)
Italian National Unification - acronym UNI

There are 138 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
101 ZAG - Slovenia (Standard mark)
Slovenian Standards Institute

There are 13 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark
102 ZIK - Croatia (Standard mark)
Standards stamp of the Croatian Quality Assurance Institute

There are 8 manhole covers in the site that has this standard mark

The ultimate manhole covers site

Initiating the site - Eli Zvuluny - Programming and building the site Possible Worlds Ltd. Possible Worlds Ltd. © 2017-2025

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - The site and its content are copyright protected. The full copyrights of the site's content belong to Eli Zvuluny. All images in the site (unless another photographer is mentioned) were taken by Eli Zvuluny that has the full copyrights on them. The use of any images or other materials included herein, in whole or part, for any purpose is expressly prohibited without the written permission of Eli Zvuluny. .