The ultimate manhole covers site

There are 4402 manhole covers that their shape is Circle:       Show on map Thumbnails mode

1651 New Orleans - Sewage
912 N Peters St, New Orleans, LA 70116, USA
1652 New Orleans - Electricity - Entergy
940 N Peters St, New Orleans, LA 70116, USA
1653 New Orleans - Western Union TELCO
1000 N Peters St, New Orleans, LA 70116, USA
1654 Oxford - Oxford Castle Route - 1142 - King Stephen’s attack and the escape of Empress Mathilda
5 Tidmarsh Ln, Oxford OX1 1AZ, UK
1655 Oxford - Oxford Castle Route - 1239 - First use of the castle as a prison
5 Tidmarsh Ln, Oxford OX1 1AZ, UK
1656 Oxford - Oxford Castle Route - 1388 - Prisoners manage to escape the castle
5 Tidmarsh Ln, Oxford OX1 1AZ, UK
1657 Givatayim - Drainage - 2016
Weizman St 28, Giv’atayim, Israel
1658 Holon - Mei Shikma - Sewage
Sokolov St 51, Holon, Israel
1659 Oxford - Oxford Castle Route - 1577 - Black Assize of Oxford
5 Tidmarsh Ln, Oxford OX1 1NS, UK
1660 Oxford - Oxford Castle Route - 1643 - Prisoners from the First Civil War
5 Tidmarsh Ln, Oxford OX1 1NS, UK
1661 Puerto Baquerizo Moreno - San Cristóbal - Sewage
Gabriel Garcia Moreno, Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, Ecuador
1662 Oxford - Oxford Castle Route - 1675 - The walls of the castle and the tower were destroyed
5 Tidmarsh Ln, Oxford OX1 1NS, UK
1663 London - Heating - LUXFER
20 Garrick St, Charing Cross, London WC2E 9BT, UK
1664 Oxford - Oxford Castle Route - 1780-1860 - The Prison is rebuilt
5 Tidmarsh Ln, Oxford OX1 1NS, UK
1665 Banos - Very small water cap
Vía a Baños, Ecuador
1666 Alausí - Round cap with circles cut by a grid of rays
Pedro Davila, Alausí, Ecuador
1667 Oxford - Oxford Castle Route - 1863 - The last public execution
5 Tidmarsh Ln, Oxford OX1 1NS, UK
1668 Rishon Lezion - Meniv - Sewage - 2013
Rothschild St 15, Rishon LeTsiyon, Israel
1669 Oxford - Oxford Castle Route - 1996 - The Prison closes
Oxford Castle, Oxford OX1 1BY, UK
1670 Sewage cover from Tel Aviv (1937) in Givatayim
Israel Teiber St 60, Giv’atayim, Israel
1671 Sígsig - CNT EP
E594, Sigsig, Ecuador
1672 Gualaceo - CNT
Vicente Peña Reyes 214, Gualaceo, Ecuador
1673 Oxford - Oxford Castle Route - 2006 - The Castle opens to the public
Oxford Castle, Oxford OX1 1BY, UK
1674 Sígsig - Very small water cap
E594, Sigsig, Ecuador
1675 Ecuador - EMETEL
E594, Ecuador

The ultimate manhole covers site

Initiating the site - Eli Zvuluny - Programming and building the site Possible Worlds Ltd. Possible Worlds Ltd. © 2017-2025

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