The ultimate manhole covers site

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5576 Petah Tikva - Electricity / Lighting - 2014
Yehuda Leib Pinsker St 9, Petah Tikva, Israel
5577 Rishon LeZion - Water - 2006
Herzl/HaCarmel, Rishon LeTsiyon, Israel
5578 Kfar Haim - Drainage of pavement - MGM
Tel-Hay St 45, Kefar Sava, Israel
5579 Raanana - Optical Fiber - 2018
Ostrovsky St 33, Ra’anana, Israel
5580 Lighting cover from Rehovot in the center of Gedera
Ha-Biluyim St 9, Gedera, Israel
5581 Richmond (London) - a very small square water cover with a background of slots
Mallard Court, 14 Petersham Rd, Richmond TW10 6UW, UK
5582 Oxford - glass and metal
99 Holywell St, Oxford OX1 3SE, UK
5583 Oxford - Heating - mesh
92 High St, Oxford OX1 4BJ, UK
5584 Oxford - Round concrete lid with transparent squares
20 Catte St, Oxford OX1 4AL, UK
5585 Oxford - Drainage - 1976
108 Gloucester Green, St George’s Pl, Oxford OX1 2BU, UK
5586 Oxford - Pavement drainage
44-46 George St, Oxford OX1 2AQ, UK
5587 Tel Aviv - "Yesod" - Outdoor sculpture by Micha Ullman
Rothschild Blvd 132, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
5588 Oxford - VANGUARD - diagonal
Oxford Audio, 36 Park End St, Oxford OX1 1JD, UK
5589 Tel Aviv - "Aviv" - Outdoor sculpture by Drora Dominey
Rothschild Blvd 120, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
5590 Oxford - ntl - Concrete cover
20 Park End St, Oxford OX1 1HU, UK
5591 Oxford - A cover with 25 slots
Said Business School, Park End St, Oxford OX1 1HP, UK
5592 Oxford - diagonal - Brickhouse
Railway Station (Stop R1), Oxford OX1 1HS, UK
5593 London - Rectangular lid with square bulges - DUREY
7 Eton Ave, Belsize Park, London NW3 3EL, UK
5594 London - Thames Water - water - a very small lid with a special shape
1 Eton Ave, Belsize Park, London NW3 3EL, UK
5595 Cover for traffic lights from Holon at the entrance to Moshav Gan Haim
Gan Haim Junction, Israel
5596 A lod intended for the Givat Shmuel municipality or for Ayalon highways in north Tel Aviv
HaHalacha Bridge 5, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
5597 Camera control cover from Givat Shmuel in North Tel Aviv
HaHalacha Bridge 5, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
5598 Gan Haim - Kfar Sava Water Plant
Harimon St 7, Gan Haim, Israel
5599 Gan Haim - general cover
Ha-Tamar St 7, Gan Haim, Israel
5600 Sde Warburg - Cable TV
Bet Berl Junction, Israel

The ultimate manhole covers site

Initiating the site - Eli Zvuluny - Programming and building the site Possible Worlds Ltd. Possible Worlds Ltd. © 2017-2024

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