The ultimate manhole covers site

There are 11996 manhole covers Display all covers :       Show on map Thumbnails mode

4426 Vytina - A background with bumps in the form of hexagons
Βυτίνα, Vitina 220 10, Greece
4427 Bat Yam - Lighting - 2007
Yitshak Sadeh St 29, Bat Yam, Israel
4428 Mei Aviv - Drainage - 2011
Rothschild Blvd 133, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
4429 Ramat Hasharon - Sewage - 2001
Shmu’el HaNagid St 33, Ramat Hasharon, Israel
4430 Givat Shmuel - water control cap
HaZetim/Be’eri, Giv’at Shmuel, Israel
4431 Modi’in - Irrigation - 2008
Emek Hahula St 92, Modi’in-Maccabim-Re’ut, Israel
4432 Bogotá - water cap
2do piso, Cl. 57 ## 5-17, Bogotá, Colombia
4433 Bogotá - water cap (2)
Cra. 4 #12, Bogotá, Colombia
4434 Be’er Ya’akov - Drainage - 2005
Efrayim Kishon St 4, Be’er Ya’akov, Israel
4435 Kfar Sirkin - Gardening - 2016
Afek Rd/Ha’Ilanot, Kfar Sirkin, Israel
4436 Bogota - water meter
Cl. 41 #24-43, Bogotá, Colombia
4437 Ashdod - Sewage - 2002
HaBanim St 14, Ashdod, Israel
4438 Antirrio - A lid with a background similar to small glasses
Dimokratias 1, Antirrio 300 20, Greece
4439 Bogota - A circular lid of the Bogota Water and Sewerage Company
Cra. 7 #4, Bogotá, Colombia
4440 Tel Aviv - Small water cap - 2008
Yitzhak Sadeh St 59, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
4441 Tel Aviv - Old lid by Glickman
Balfour St 30, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
4442 Tel Aviv - Old Jaffa Promenade
Netiv HaMazalot 6, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
4443 Tel Aviv - Sewage and Tunneling Department - 1993
Yefet St 54, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
4444 Tel Aviv - A small plastic water cap
Migdal St 3, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
4445 Lid of the Water Corporation Mei Barak in Givatayim
Arvei Nahal St 8, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
4446 Ganot Hadar - Electricity - 2000
Road 5702/HaHamaniot, Israel
4447 London - James Gibb - drainage
Rosslyn Hill, Hampstead, London NW3 2AA, UK
4448 Oxford - Rectangular lid made by WILDER
Oxford Station, Park End St, Oxford OX1 1HS, UK
4449 London - NEVILLES ALDRIDGE - Diagonal
21 Carnaby St, Carnaby, London W1F 7DA, UK
4450 A lid that resembles Indian covers in Tel Aviv
Lincoln St 12, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

The ultimate manhole covers site

Initiating the site - Eli Zvuluny - Programming and building the site Possible Worlds Ltd. Possible Worlds Ltd. © 2017-2025

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