The ultimate manhole covers site

There are 4656 manhole covers in the country Israel:       Show on map Thumbnails mode

1701 Tel Aviv - sidewalk drainage - Technodrain NEO
Ha-Tkuma St 15, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
1702 Bezeq - Tel Aviv - Dizengoff Square - Chameleon
Pinsker St 72, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
1703 Tel Aviv port - drainage cover - TOP STONE
Nemal Tel Aviv St 24, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
1704 Be’er Ya’akov - Lighting
Eliyahu St 65, Be’er Ya’akov, Israel
1705 Giv’atayim - Mei Givatayim - water - large symbol - 2015
Ha-Palmakh St 1, Giv’atayim, Israel
1706 Tel Aviv - "Beyond the Limit" - Outdoor sculpture by Zadok Ben David
Trumpeldor St 2, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
1707 Petach Tikva - Public Works Department - Traffic lights
Yerushalayim Road/Hoshe’a, Petah Tikva, Israel
1708 Yuvalim Ashdod - Sewage - 2012
Sderot HaAdmor Mi’Pitsburg 51, Ashdod, Israel
1709 Tel Aviv - Shlomo Lahat Promenade - Drainage - Chameleon
Retsif Herbert Samuel St 86, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
1710 Mei Yavne - Sewage - a big symbol - 2018
Sderot Du’ani 51, Yavne, Israel
1711 Beit Dagan - Sewage - 2002
Tsahal St 19, Beit Dagan, Israel
1712 Mei Hod Hasharon - Sewage - Gilded
Ha-Arbel St 2, Hod Hasharon, Israel
1713 Tel Aviv - "Untitled" - Outdoor sculpture by Gedalia Suchowolsky
Shalag square, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
1714 Tel Aviv - Jaffa - Small Lighting Cover - 2005
HaShaon Square, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
1715 Bnei Brak - Irrigation
Sokolow St 50, Bnei Brak, Israel
1716 Cellcom - Tel Aviv - Dizengoff Square - Chameleon
Pinsker St 72, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
1717 Azor - Lighting - 2002
Ha-Palmakh St 3, Azor, Israel
1718 Ramat Gan - Ramat Chen - Water Department - 2006
Yekhezkel St 13, Ramat Gan, Israel
1719 Even Yehuda - Sewage - 2008
Tsabar St 7, Even Yehuda, Israel
1720 Sewage - Tel Aviv Municipality - 2005
Herzl St 22, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
1721 Sewage - Mei avivim - Tel Aviv - Dizengoff Square - Chameleon
Kikar Diezengoff 3, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
1722 Tel Aviv - "Sites of Ra" - Outdoor sculpture by Dov Or-Ner
Daniel Frisch St 3, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
1723 Ben Gurion Airport - drainage
1, Israel
1724 Givat Shmuel - Public Works Department - drainage - 2007
Derech Keren HaYesod 11, Giv’at Shmu’el, Israel
1725 Jerusalem - Nahalat Shiva - Irrigation - 2006 (2)
Hillel St 1, Jerusalem, Israel

The ultimate manhole covers site

Initiating the site - Eli Zvuluny - Programming and building the site Possible Worlds Ltd. Possible Worlds Ltd. © 2017-2025

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