The ultimate manhole covers site

There are 4709 manhole covers in the country Israel:       Show on map Thumbnails mode

3226 Givatayim - Mei Giv’atayim - a small water cover with handle (3)
Borochov St 1, Giv’atayim, Israel
3227 Holon - Communication - 2014
HaHagana St 17, Holon, Israel
3228 Tel Aviv - Drainage - 2004 (2)
HaRakevet St 42, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
3229 Hadera - Sewage
HaGiborim St 51, Hadera, Israel
3230 Jerusalem - Communication
Ha-Nevi’im St 86, Jerusalem, Israel
3231 Kiryat Ono - Mei Ono - Sewage - Gilded
HaNasi St 59, Kiryat Ono, Israel
3232 Ramat Hasharon - Mei Sharonim - Sewage - 2016
Sokolov St 10, Ramat Hasharon, Israel
3233 Holon - Communication - 2018
Montefiore St 15, Holon, Israel
3234 Lod - Sewage - 2004 (2)
Sderot Shlomo HaMelech 15, Lod, Israel
3235 Ashkelon - Water
Ha-Atsma’ut St 64, Ashkelon, Israel
3236 Netanya - Irrigation - 2013
Kikar HaAtsmaut 4, Netanya, Israel
3237 Netanya - Traffic lights
Smilanski St 1, Netanya, Israel
3238 Traffic lights lid from Givat Shmuel in the center of Petah Tikva
Rothschild/Frankfurter, Petah Tikva, Israel
3239 Rishon LeZion - Water - Large city’s emblem - 2005
Herzl St 94, Rishon LeTsiyon, Israel
3240 Ganei Tikva - Sewage - Gilded
Ha-Amakim St 20, Ganei Tikva, Israel
3241 Bat Yam - Tunneling - 2002
Jabotinsky St 17, Bat Yam, Israel
3242 Ramat Hasharon - Water - 1995
HaMelachim St 70, Ramat Hasharon, Israel
3243 Modi’in - Lighting - 2018
Tse’elon St 1, Modi’in-Maccabim-Re’ut, Israel
3244 Beer Yaakov - Sewage (2)
Keren HaYesod St 19, Be’er Ya’akov, Israel
3245 Givatayim - LightingMosaic model
Ha-Lamed Hei St 59, Giv’atayim, Israel
3246 Kfar Sirkin - Southern Sharon Regional Council - Drainage
Ha-Ilanot St 10, Kfar Sirkin, Israel
3247 Kfar Sirkin - Southern Sharon Regional Council - Lighting
Ha-Ilanot St 10, Kfar Sirkin, Israel
3248 Ashdod - traffic lights - 2010
Midrahov Yoav Ben Tsruya 12, Ashdod, Israel
3249 Ashdod - Water - Elliptical
Midrahov Yoav Ben Tsruya 12, Ashdod, Israel
3250 Yavneh - electricity
Mish’ol ha-Ktalav 65, Yavne, Israel

The ultimate manhole covers site

Initiating the site - Eli Zvuluny - Programming and building the site Possible Worlds Ltd. Possible Worlds Ltd. © 2017-2025

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