The ultimate manhole covers site

There are 45 manhole covers in the country Norway:       Show on map Thumbnails mode

1 Bergen - 2000 Special cover
Strømgaten 19, 5015 Bergen, Norway
2 Oslo - A lid with a background of three semicircles Special cover
Youngs gate 0184, Oslo, Norway
3 Oslo - A cover with the city emblem in the center Special cover
Storgata 29, 0184 Oslo, Norway
4 Drammen - 200 years of the united city Special cover
Strømsø Torg 3, 3044 Drammen, Norway
5 Drammen - covers and on it major sites in the city Special cover
Bragernes Torg 3A, 3017 Drammen, Norway
6 Drammen - 175 years of the united city Special cover
Bragernes Torg 2a, 3017 Drammen, Norway
7 Arendal - a cover marked with 300 years for the city Special cover
Tollbodgaten 6, 4836 Arendal, Norway
8 Tromsø - Cover with an illustration of a rural or urban settlement Special cover
Cora Sandels gate 1, 9008 Tromsø, Norway
9 Langangen - a lid with the symbol of the Porsgrunn municipality on it Special cover
3947 Langangen, Norway
10 Dombås - lid with the coat of arms of the municipality of Dovre Special cover
Fv490 13, 2660 Dombås, Norway
11 Kristiansand - Cover and on it are drawn major sites in the city Special cover
Markens gate 12, 4611 Kristiansand, Norway
12 Oslo - A lid with a background of three semicircles (2)
Skippergata 35, 0154 Oslo, Norway
13 Oslo - A lid with a background of arrowheads
Tollbugata 27, 0157 Oslo, Norway
14 Oslo - A cover with the city emblem in the center (2)
Myntgata 1, 0151 Oslo, Norway
15 Oslo - Modular
Øvre Slottsgate 2, 0157 Oslo, Norway
16 Henningsvær - a cover that resembles a car steering wheel
Misværveien 10, 8312 Henningsvær, Norway
17 Drammen - cover and on it major sites in the city (2)
Øvre Torggate, 3017 Drammen, Norway
18 Drammen - a lid with the city emblem on it
Nedre Storgate 6, 3015 Drammen, Norway
19 Arendal - A cover with a network of circles
Tollbodgaten 2, 4836 Arendal, Norway
20 Arendal - A lid with a background of arrowheads
Torvet 1A, 4836 Arendal, Norway
21 Arendal - a lid with the city emblem on it
Torvet 3, 4836 Arendal, Norway
22 Arendal - round drain cover in a square frame
Kystveien 18, 4841 Arendal, Norway
23 Arendal - square drain cover in a rectangular frame
Kystveien 18, 4841 Arendal, Norway
24 Arendal - a cover designed for the tile manufacturer Skarpnes - modular
Kystveien 20, 4841 Arendal, Norway
25 Arendal - a cover that resembles a car steering wheel
Langbryggen 26, 4841 Arendal, Norway

The ultimate manhole covers site

Initiating the site - Eli Zvuluny - Programming and building the site Possible Worlds Ltd. Possible Worlds Ltd. © 2017-2025

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