The ultimate manhole covers site

There are 21 manhole covers that are used by Mei Bat Yam:       Show on map Thumbnails mode

1 Mei Bat Yam - sewage - 2015
Rothschild St 46, Bat Yam, Israel
2 Mei Bat Yam - sewage - 2013
Ha-Rishonim St 13, Bat Yam, Israel
3 Mei Bat Yam corporation - Water - Small cover
Struma St 6, Bat Yam, Israel
4 A Mei Bat-Yam water cover in the Florentine neighborhood - Tel Aviv
Benbenishti St 2, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
5 Mei Bat Yam - sewage - 2016
Mivtsa Sinai St 1-13, Bat Yam, Israel
6 Bat Yam - Mei Bat Yam - Water - 2016 - Dotted
Ha-Sar Rabinovich St 22, Bat Yam, Israel
7 Mei Bat Yam - lighting - 2016
Ha-Nevi’im St 34, Bat Yam, Israel
8 Bat Yam - Mei Bat Yam - Water - Elliptical lid surrounded by a square frame
Derech Ben Gurion 149, Bat Yam, Israel
9 Bat Yam - Mei Bat Yam - Water - 2014
Derech Ben Gurion 137, Bat Yam, Israel
10 Bat Yam - Mei Bat Yam - Sewage - 2016
Jabotinsky St 10, Bat Yam, Israel
11 A cover intended for the Bat Yam Water Corporation, in the Azor local council
Moshe Sharet St 28, Azor, Israel
12 Bat Yam - Mei Bat Yam - Water - 2013
Anne Frank St 4, Bat Yam, Israel
13 Bat Yam - Mei Bat Yam - Sewage - 2020
Ha’Atsmaut Blvd 66, Bat Yam, Israel
14 Bat Yam - Mei Bat Yam - Water - 2020 (2)
Etrog St 4, Bat Yam, Israel
15 Bat Yam - Mei Bat Yam - Water - 2019
Derech Ben Gurion 61-67, Bat Yam, Israel
16 Bat Yam - Mei Bat Yam - Drainage Sewage - 2015
Tabenkin St 3, Bat Yam, Israel
17 Bat Yam - Mei Bat Yam - Sewage - 2018
Balfour St 118, Bat Yam, Israel
18 Bat Yam - Mei Bat Yam - Water - 2023
Ha’Atsmaut Blvd 39, Bat Yam, Israel
19 Bat Yam - Mei Bat Yam - Water - 2011
Derech Ben Gurion 47, Bat Yam, Israel
20 Bat Yam - Mei Bat Yam - Water
Balfour St 56, Bat Yam, Israel
21 Lid of sewage of Mei Ramat Gan in the city of Bat Yam
Rothschild St 20, Bat Yam, Israel

The ultimate manhole covers site

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