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Cover: Ružomberok - Sewage

Vlkolínec 13, 034 03 Ružomberok, Slovakia
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Comment from Vuori Susi:
BZVIL (Bavlnárske závody V. I. Lenina) - Cotton mills after V. I. Lenin.
BZ TEXICOM (Bavlnárske závody Texicom) - Cotton mills Texicom.
They are different names for the same company.

Why did the cotton mill make iron manholes? I can not to explain it in a nutshell.
A cotton mill is not machines and tools only. Equipment require maintenance and repair. So cotton mills usually have a mechanical and repairing workshop with foundry. Such workshop performs work for the needs of the mill.
Also mills have systems of water supplying and sewerage. From time to time the communications require repairing and the management of the mill decides either to buy, for example, manholes or make them themselves - this is a matter of price and time.
Also, such workshop can make products for external consumers, especially during the economic crisis when the demand for the main products falls.

The ultimate manhole covers site

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