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Cover: Madrid - Quote from "Don Quixote" where Miguel de Cervantes lived

Calle de Cervantes, 2, Centro, 28014 Madrid, Spain
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On the cover:
Que aposento o qué nada busca v Se vuestra merced? Vano hay aposento ni libros en esta casa, porque todo se to llevó el mesmo diablo. El Quijote, I, cap.VII

En esta calle, en el nº 2, fue donde vivió y donde murió el 23 de abril de 1616, Miguel de Cervantes. edificio original, con entrada por el nº 20 de la calle del Leon, fue demolido en 1833.
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More details can be found here Click for the item in The ultimate street signs site

Translation of the text on the cover:
What room or what nothing are you looking for, Your Grace? There is no room or books in this house, because the devil himself took everything. Don Quixote, I, chapter VII

In this street, at number 2, was where Miguel de Cervantes lived and died on April 23, 1616. The original building, with an entrance at number 20 Calle del Leon, was demolished in 1833.

The ultimate manhole covers site

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